It is comparatively easy to read this "password" file and simply try and match the knock pattern to gain access to this system. 这个“密码”文件非常容易读取,并且通过尝试和匹配敲打模式,可以获得对系统的访问权限。
These commands set the Java home, the system path, the home for the scripts, changes to the script directory, and execute the ic-create-password command to create the password file. 这些命令设置Java主目录、系统路径、脚本主目录,转至脚本目录,并执行ic-create-password命令来创建密码文件。
On Microsoft Windows, follow the instructions in the article "How to secure a password file on Microsoft Windows systems," which you can find a link to in Resources. 在MicrosoftWindows上,请按照“HowtosecureapasswordfileonMicrosoftWindowssystems”一文中的说明操作,可以在参考资料中找到这篇文章的链接。
A good example is the vipw command, which normally allows root to edit the system password file. 一个很好的例子是vipw命令,它通常允许root用户编辑系统口令文件。
The keystore password and file name are parameters in the RampartConfig section of each party's policy file. 在消息传递双方的策略文件中,keystore密码和文件名都是RampartConfig中的参数。
The passphrase to unlock the password file is unlock. 解锁密码文件的口令是unlock。
The password rule file contains the various password rules that strengthen the password by helping the user to choose a good password. 密码规则文件包含多个密码规则,这些规则通过帮助用户选择适当的密码来提高密码强度。
Entries in the private password file create Web server accounts that are totally separate from those known to the operating system. 专用密码文件中的条目将创建Web服务器帐户,这些帐户完全独立于操作系统已知的帐户。
This adds username to the system and to the Samba password file. 这会将username添加到系统和Sambapassword文件中。
Once you have created a directory for your scripts, initialize your client with a password file. 为脚本创建了目录之后,使用密码文件初始化您的客户端。
It is compartively easy to read this "password" file, and simply try and match the tone pattern to gain access to the system. 读取此“密码”文件或只简单地尝试匹配音调模式以获得对系统的访问权相对来说都很容易。
After each user is added, its account details are added to the Samba password file. 添加了每个用户后,其帐户详细信息将添加到Sambapassword文件。
When starting up the VM, specify the location of the password file to use with the following command-line option 在启动虚拟机时,用以下命令行选项指定要使用的口令文件的位置
From then on, no one not even the administrators could log into the system, because the password file had been corrupted. 从那时起,任何人甚至是管理员都不能登录到该系统,因为口令文件已经被破坏了。
If the password rule file is corrupted for some reason, then kadmind logs and displays an error and then exits. 如果由于某种原因导致密码规则文件发生损坏,kadmind将记录和显示错误,然后退出。
We'll use a password file command-line option in the script. 我们将在脚本中使用一个密码文件命令行选项。
Each user in the UNIX password file has a home directory assigned. UNIX密码文件中的每一个用户都会分配一个home目录。
Now the email address not only contains a ( possibly) valid email address but also an instruction to email somebody else your password file. 现在email地址不仅(可能)包含有效的email地址,而且还通过email告诉其他人密码文件。
Mallory's program kept creating and removing many different symlinks pointing to the same special file:/ etc/ passwd, the password file. Mallory的程序不停地创建和删除很多指向同一特殊文件(/etc/passwd,口令文件)的不同符号链接文件。
When you create a.pst file, you can assign a password to the file. 创建.pst文件时,可以向该文件分配密码。
Your password list file has been damaged. 您的密码列表文件已被破坏。
Select the option to stash the password to a file. 选择将密码隐藏在在文件中的选项。
Unable to lock password file. 无法修改密码,报。
To display the contents of the system password file. 来显示系统密码文件的内容。
Follow the instructions in order to get your password file by email. 为了要藉着电子邮件拿文件给你的密码,跟随指导。
Sheet is protected with password. File format cannot be used. 工作表有密码保护,当前的文件格式不被接受。
Another approach is to store the encrypted password in a file. 另一种方法将经过加密的密码存储在一个文件中。
Problems like the password file syntax, sharing file systems, and tracking logs quickly become unmanageable without a tool like. 这样的工具,象密码文件语法、共享文件系统以及跟踪日志等问题很快就变得无法管理。
These values can be changed, but if you really do find the need to do this, you might find it easier to change your group and password file entries instead. 可以更改这些值,但如果您确实觉得需要这样做,那么您可能会发现更改组和密码文件项更容易些。
Design and Accomplishment for Operation Maintenance of a Management Information System& On Adding, Deleting or Editing a Record of a Password File 管理信息系统操作维护的设计与实现&兼谈密码表记录的增加、删除和修改